Swimming pool roofing structures

Every owner of a swimming pool wants his pool always to be ready for use. But when is it possible? In a good weather, which is quite random in Latvia. So, to make your recreation area complete and depending only on owner’s wishes, we offer swimming pool enclosures.

Adjustable pool enclosures are not just a garden accessory. If an outdoor pool endangers children or pets, an enclosure will not only keep the pool clean, it also works as a safety system, preventing anyone from falling in and drowning. A swimming pool enclosure functions in several more ways:

  • It extends pool’s availability from spring until autumn without any extra costs;
  • In a hot weather, the enclosure can be removed to enjoy a dip under a clear sky;
  • Decreases loss of temperature;
  • Decreases costs from heating the water;
  • Greatly simplifies the maintenance and upkeep;
  • Noticeably shortens the time spent on keeping it in order;
  • Decreases consumption of water disinfectants;
  • Decreases the possibility of deformation and damage of the pool, during the winter period, to minimum.

The adjustable enclosures are built according to requirements to ensure it’s endurance in any climatic conditions.

These roof constructions are available not only for swimming pools, but gross commercial objects also.

NEO sērija
LOW sērija
MEDIUM sērija
HIGH sērija
SPA sērija
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